Autumn/Winter 20/21 Track Sessions

We’re back on Track!
After what has been a disappointing summer for cycle coaching in 2020, we are very pleased to be able to offer our normal round of Autumn/Winter coaching sessions at Calshot. But with a difference….
At time of writing, Calshot are limiting the rider numbers attending a session to 30, and allowing only 6 riders at a time on track. This may change, but to play safe we are provisionally advertising just 24 places per session. These will initially consist of 12 adult and 12 youth/junior places. As safeguarding measures improve, more places may be opened up. At the moment, having the balance of 12 & 12 allows us to cover our costs and allow you to have as much track time within a session as possible.
The session dates are as follows:
- Sat 24th October
- Sat 21st November
- Sat 2nd January – The first day of your 2021 cycling journey
- Sat 6th February
- Sat 6th March
- All sessions are 13:30 to 17:30 (4 hours)
- Book here:
If you have any questions about sessions, booking or places, then please contact
As in previous years, no experience necessary – except being able to ride a bike! If you are a novice, we will take you through a very comprehensive introduction to track and see you progress quickly into what will be one of the most exciting experience of your cycling adeventures.
Well maintained track bikes are available for hire at Calshot, costing £10 per session for adults and £7.50 for under 18’s. Cycle shoes fitted with Look Keo cleats also available at just £3.50 a session. PEDALS CANNOT BE CHANGED ON HIRE BIKES.